You know how it goes. We are three weeks into the New Year. We reach for our favourite dress, shorts or jeans and go to zip them up. They almost, nearly zip up but then the zip stops. And it’s not at the top yet. Immediately I think, well geez... the festive season was fun wasn’t it? Hahaha.

The endless champagne, food, relaxing, stepping outside of routine.
Disclaimer: I am a blogger (not a qualified nutritionist, personal trainer or medical professional) so I am blogging about what has worked for me personally. This topic is something I get messages and DM's about all the time, so as always, I am sharing what I do and how I do it. Whoo whoo.
I take a step back, huffing and puffing and sweating after trying to fit into that outfit, and think to myself:
What about those walks we said we would go on with our friend?
The 12 week challenge we vowed we would finally commit to? Ooops!
When the new year dawns on us it’s so easy to say yes to a better body, lifestyle and future. Deep down we all want to be better and improve. Who doesn’t want a nicer house, a more luxurious car, a better wardrobe? It’s the same with most things in life.
This blog is dedicated to re-motivating you, inspiring you and getting you pumped and back on your fitness journey. I've been in your shoes, I know what it’s like to have overindulged only to have to deal with the bulging, frustrating consequences and to be standing there just regretting my own lack of self control so much.

Here we go, let’s get fit! I felt so sluggish for so long and I always thought/told myself that I never had the time to exercise. Well I’m here to tell you that if I can work 7 days per week, run my boutique business Miss Henry, do mum duties as a single mum, write a blog and still find time to exercise (as someone who is also living with severe endometriosis) then so can you. Let’s team up, put our excuses and procrastination in the ‘bin’ together and decide that we deserve to look and feel amazing.
For inspiration I look to the JLo’s, Shakira (who is now 41 by the way) and Jennifer Anistons of the world and think "wow". I know they sit in strong financial positions and have a lot of assistance and support but ultimately, they had to smash cardio and do their own abdominal crunches themselves. AND avoid all the junk food and alcohol around them, just like the rest of us.
As a fashion stylist, I always say, your body is my canvas.
Today I mean it more than ever. So let’s do it!

1) Smooth-ie out the Day
I have loved starting the day with a smoothie. Sometimes I have a green smoothie and other days I have a mixed berry and oat smoothie with protein. This liquid breaky on the go has really made a difference for me in terms of feeling good at the beginning of the day.
I use to eat eggs, bacon, kale and a bit of toast. As it turns out, this breakfast did not agree with my body. Slowly (and sneakily) this meal made me gain so much weight. I got confused thinking, “I only eat eggs, a bit of bacon and some kale, what’s going on with my body?” As soon as I changed what I ate for breakfast, the weight started dropping off me.
In my green smoothies I blend: spinach, fresh kale, a little bit of pear, a little kiwi fruit, celery, lemon, greens powder with lots of ice on a cold water (or coconut water) base. If I’m in a rush, I pick up a green smoothie on the go from a local cafe that I love.

Today I’m going to show you my favourite, quick smoothie that I alternate with.

How to Make The Fashion Fox’s Favourite Smoothie:

1) Fill your blender or Nutribullet cup (this is what I use) with water
This can be cold water or room temperature water, your choice

2) Add a handful of freshly washed blueberries Did you know?
These are rich in antioxidants and considered a superfood
They are high in potassium and vitamin C
Studies show they can assist in lowering the risk of cancer and heart disease (wow!)

3) Add a banana (or half a banana if you’re not super hungry)
Break it into two and pop it in

4) Next, pop 3 or 4 strawberries in there

5) Add a generous scoop of your favourite protein powder
(feel free to add ice cubes if you’d like it to be extra icy cold on a summer’s day)
6) Hit blend, then enjoy!

2) My Favourite Quick Exercises - Side Plank

The love doing these because they cinch in my waist. They tone the side of your torso and make you feel less wobbly around the edges haha. I personally like to do 10 per side with a total of 4 sets. Start with 5 per side, in a set of 3 for example and then just slowly build up.
2) Find a group fitness class that resonates with you and your body My biggest piece of advice would be, don’t just do exercise that you think ‘fit people do’
Crossfit, Yoga or Zumba may look trendy and you may know lots of hot, fit people who do those, but this may not be the right fit for you.

A Quick Mindset Tip: Once you find which class/exercise you want to do, find one or more good friends who will get up and meet you at the class. It keeps you so accountable and it’s always fun to see your friends. We go out to a healthy breaky or grab a big yummy smoothie afterwards, which I look forward to so much when the class is really tough.
My favourite thing to do Pilates. You see the results almost instantly! I try not to be but if I am being honest I am quite an impatient person. I get excited and want everything done fast and with immediacy. This being said I loved being able to do the work and start seeing and feeling instant results. For all you Foxes that DM me and ask, I attend Studio Pilates in Brisbane, Australia.
After my first class I wondered where Pilates had been my whole life. As they say, it’s the ultimate toning workout so with this in mind the key is to make sure you balance this out by doing cardio as well. This has helped me to create a trim and toned physique.
I’ve been going for a few months now and I can honestly say, holy abs and waistline.
Remember that you get out what you put in.
The first week is hard, I won’t lie, but you feel better for it, I promise.
To me, exercise is a break away from work and all the things I have going on in my life.
It’s my time to zone out, it’s good for my mental health and even better for Future Nicole.
I love to start my day with exercise. It puts me in a good mood, knowing I've done something for myself and body. A morning Pilates session followed by a yummy smoothie means a productive day ahead for me.
3) Once you start seeing results, it becomes so easy to say “No” to the things that don't support your goals.

BEFORE (above)
Someone offered me a caramel slice the other day and I really wanted some. But I said no. I said no because I felt so good in my body and I am seeing the results now. Cheat meals are my jam, don’t get me wrong, but you've got to live and experience life and good food and drinks are absolutely a part of this. That being said, when you are ON A ROLL, it’s so easy to say no to things that take you off track. When you feel incredible and you've put in the work you end up having a whole new outlook on life (and a whole new body to boot!). It's ok to want junk food and drinks, just sit in the moment and allow yourself to feel that way. It's noticing the craving and then noticing the gap between this and actually doing it. Listen to your body, if you've been eating well and exercising and seeing the results, chances are a sudden bout of junk food will make your body feel less than best.
Before you reach for something naughty check if it’s your cheat meal day. If not, just think of the pain, sweat, effort and the work that it takes to work that treat off. Phew! Ask yourself if it’s worth it before you decide.
4) Smaller Portions + Mindfulness
This is such a handy, straight forward tip. What ever you’d normally eat, consider for a moment the size of your stomach organ. It’s not dissimilar to the size of your fist.
I began by, looking at a meal such a dinner, and only filling my plate with half of what I would have normally had before. I ate it more slowly and really genuinely enjoyed each bite. Instead of hoovering it all and mindlessly going back for a refill. Do you know what I mean?
Smaller portions and more frequent small meals have made such a difference to my body. I love it!

Check List
Get Fit with The Fashion Fox
Find a friend or friends to wake up early and meet you at fitness classes. Knowing that someone you love seeing is waiting for you keeps you accountable and makes exercise so much fun for the two of you
Start the day with a light healthy breakfast or yummy healthy smoothie
Go for walks with a friend or go solo (put your headphones on, get moving and zone out from the world)
Get jumping, I found out that this movement burns fat fast. Burpees, skipping, squat jumps and any jumping motion is perfect for you if you are time poor but want results. Start with 10 burpees, rest then add another 5, rest then do 5 more. Build on this every day.
Snack on nuts and fresh fruit and veggies (I have nuts, apple slices and carrot sticks cup with me at work during the day)
Remember that the first week is always the hardest. It’s a tough week but it will be over soon and you will be on your way. Maybe you’ll feel hungry, tired or sore but the first week pains will be past you soon.
Think of your future body. Focus on how you want to look and feel. Think about nourishing your body, creating the new habit of fitness and moving your body and just remember that once you start seeing results, it gets easy to say “no” to the past, junk food and bad habits

A special Fashion Fox Social Hack: Make yourself a soda water with lemon, lime and lots of ice.
It’s like having a decadent drink and it’s an excellent substitute for a cocktail. If you’re out with friends and the drinks are being passed around, order or make yourself a soda water with lime, cucumber and ice. You’ll feel part of the celebrations but without the hangover.

Next Tuesday, we are doing the first of three 'Valentine's Day Special' blogs. The next cab off the rank will be, Why Being Alone on Valentine's Day is a Gift. Stay tuned, it's a hum dinger and you won't want to miss it! This is for (and inspired by) all the women and men out there who are alone on Valentine's Day. The romantic season dawns on us all, every year without fail. It meets us, no matter what age or stage we are in. It means something different to each of us, some of us ignore it, some of us love it and some embrace it. It can be a time of sadness, feeling excluded, feeling alone or simply reflecting. As a fashion stylist I am fortunate enough to meet so many different women, at all ages and stages, from all walks of life. Some are young enough to date my son, some are old enough to be my grandma's grandma. I know women so gorgeous it would make your head spin, I've styled women who have been married, divorced, married, divorced, and now have a dog, no interest in ever dating again and absolutely love their life. Some of the women I know are so happily married to the most kind, incredible men you'd ever meet, living in a genuine and sweet romance that would melt your heart. This Valentine's Day Series is for all of us. I hope you love the next blogs to come, they are real, raw and hopefully helpful. If nothing more you will be entertained haha. Thank you for spending another night with me, The Fashion Fox, I write every blog with you in mind so thank you for reading, telling your friends, commenting, liking and subscribing. With gratitude, Nicole xx Aka The Fashion Fox If you'd like to follow me on Instagram feel free to have a look at @the_fashion_fox_ I own a self funded small fashion business which you can see at @misshenryboutique
Disclaimer for this week's blog:
As someone who is not a personal trainer nor a nutritionist, my best advice as your friend and from my own experience, is to always do what works for your long term. Your body is different from the person’s next to you, the foods and drinks that work for you may not work for someone else. Sometimes, I’ve found, it can be trial and error.
If you are considering exercise, weight loss, an eating plan or diet please consult a qualified doctor, personal trainer or nutritionist.
This is a personal recount of my own experiences that worked for me personally. To be clear, I am a blogger, not a qualified fitness, nutrition or medical expert. If you choose to employ the actions and behaviours from this blog you understand that you choose to do so at your own risk and free will.
In reading this blog you understand that Nicole Byrne and The Fashion Fox brand/blog is not responsible for the outcomes of your actions and decisions.